Developing Making Every Contact Count in Wales: A national network & learning event
07 Mar
Novotel Hotel, Cardiff
Have you got an interest in reducing the risks and impacts of health-harming behaviours? If so, then this national event, aimed at further developing Making Every Contact Count (MECC) in Wales is not to be missed. The event will provide a national forum to share learning and celebrate progress around MECC. It will also see the launch of an online MECC network for Wales; a level 1 e-learning module; and evaluation and knowledge & skills frameworks, all designed to help increase and improve health-improving conversations and actions, especially in NHS Wales.
The event will be opened by: Rebecca Evans AM, Minister for Social Services and Public Health, feature expert input from: Dr Tim Anstiss, founder of the Academy for Health Coaching and vastly experienced and motivating physician, educator and coach, and present an opportunity to be the first to hear about: the findings of novel Welsh research into health behaviour change conversations...from the recipients viewpoint. Plus: Provide an unparalleled chance to network and learn, as MECC advocates and leaders showcase their innovative and impactful activity and approaches.
Numbers are strictly limited for this FREE event, to reserve a place book at: Further information from: