New online NHS course helps people improve their mental health
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Feeling worried or anxious can have a big impact on your health, and for some people life at the moment can be particularly difficult.
Improvement Cymru for Public Health Wales is offering everyone in Wales over the age of 16 free access to an online self-help video course designed to help them understand their feelings, and enable them to take greater control of their actions so that day-to-day life can become less distressing and more enjoyable.
The four part “ACTivate Your Life” video course has been designed by Dr Neil Frude to share practical and effective ways of dealing with thoughts and feelings that may be causing stress.
Andrea Gray, Mental Health Development Lead at Improvement Cymru said:
“Anyone can experience upset at any stage in life and it can affect you in a number of ways. We’re currently living through a very unusual time, where anxiety can be increased and usual coping mechanisms or support networks may not be as accessible.
“These self-help videos are available for free and to access whenever it suits you. They can teach you techniques and strategies that will help you to take more control and to live your life with more confidence and a greater sense of purpose. They can help you to discover what is really important to you and you can even think of the course as a journey of self-discovery”
To take part in the course you don’t need to be referred by your GP or anyone else, just visit and simply start the first online video.